How Long After A Fire Can You Move Back In

How Long After a Fire Can You Move Back In?

We Buy Fire Damaged Houses

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Published on May 07th, 2023

Joel Efosa

Author | Real Estate Investor

homes that have sustained a house fire or smoke damage can take some time to restore

Homes that have sustained a house fire or smoke damage can take some time to restore, particularly if the charred building structure requires significant repairs. Apartment dwellers also face similar challenges when it comes to property restoration and potential relocation, depending on the severity of the damage. The restoration process often involves the work of a fire restoration company. Professionals who are experienced in salvaging walls, roofs, and doors take great care in ensuring the property is returned to its original condition with minimal disruptions to the life of the occupants, such as adults and children.

If you live in a home or apartment that has recently sustained a house fire, fire damage, smoke damage, and water damage caused by the firefighters putting out the flames, you might be wondering how long it will take to be able to move back in? The assistance of resources and guide materials may help you navigate this difficult time. Throughout this process, it's essential to work with a fire restoration company that can address your concerns and take every step to restore your home.

Aside from the health risks from smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide, and other issues, there might be structural damage to your home that makes it unsafe for habitation. Debris and broken windows might be just a few of the visible things you'll need to deal with, while your landlord or insurance claims adjuster handles the bigger picture.

an example of a smoke damaged house

The extent of damage and health risks vary from situation to situation, with no one size fitting the timeline for moving back into your home that has smoke and fire damage.

Throughout this article, we will discuss general timelines for a recovery process and how long it will generally take to move back into your home after a small house fire or larger fire, and steps to make the process of recovery smoother with the assistance of various resources.

Starting the Restoration Process with Your Homeowners Insurance Company

a homeowners insurance policy generally will cover fire damage, even for a small fire

A homeowners insurance policy generally will cover fire damage, even for a small fire

After your local fire department has completed its investigation, your homeowners insurance company will likely conduct its own and assess the damage to the insurance claim. Heat, smoke, and char damage are taken into account during these investigations.

If your insurance provider or insurance agent sees fit, they might also send out an insurance adjuster to view the property damage to the entire house, including hidden damage that most homeowners wouldn't see, like foundation or structural damage.

Setting Up Support and Temporary Housing

House fires pose serious health risk to all involved - even a small fire

House fires pose serious health risk to all involved - even a small fire

Possible exposure to harmful chemicals and smoke particles can cause permanent damage and health implications to your family's health, especially those with compromised immune systems or respiratory system issues.

Finding proper housing and a safe environment for your family during this time period is essential and part of your immediate needs. Reach out to your local disaster relief services if you're unable to stay with family or friends while your home is under the restoration process handled by professionals.

The Restoration Process - How Long Will it Take Before You Can Move In?

Your home insurer will help you cover the costs of repairs

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is no one size fits all that answers for when you and your family can return to your home, especially if a family member has health concerns or respiratory issues.

To get a better understanding of how long it will take before you can move back in, you will need a full grasp of the situation, including:

  • The extent of damage to your home after a fire - is there structural damage?
  • Whether utilities have been restored
  • Was it a small fire or a large fire?
  • Is there extensive smoke damage?
  • How much soot is in the home?
  • Were emergency fire measures used, like a fire extinguisher?

All of the above factors and much more affect the amount of work, deep cleaning needed, and the whole process of restoration carried out by the restoration company.

The bottom line is you should expect at least 3-6 weeks for a small fire damage restoration process and up to several months if your home sustains further damage or direct damage to major components of the home like your HVAC vents, foundation, support beams, and other structural elements.

Check your insurance coverage for ale coverage

What Should You Take from Your Home When Living in Temporary Housing?

If you will be living away from your home for any extended period of time, it's important to remember to grab any household items or personal belongings that you will need in the meantime.

Once it's deemed safe to enter your home by the fire department, we suggest trying to salvage the following items if possible:

  • Personal items like clothing
  • Paper money if you have any in a fire-proof safe
  • Birth certificates
  • Personal property like car keys
  • Medical records


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Final Thoughts on the Fire Restoration Timeline

The fire restoration process is time-consuming, and it includes many steps.

While the average timeframe for selling a fire damaged home may be closer to 3 weeks, some cases can take up to 6 weeks or even more. Navigating the process of selling a fire damaged home requires careful consideration and may involve various factors. Selling a house with fire damage made easy, however, by working with experienced real estate agents specializing in fire damaged properties. They can streamline the process, market the property effectively, and connect with potential buyers who understand the unique value and potential of the home. Keep in mind that the average timeframe mentioned is just an industry average; your results might be different depending on where you live and other factors, such as the experience of the restoration company working on your home.


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