Sell a House That Has Rodents

Can You Sell A House That Has Rodents

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Published on April 3rd, 2023 | 4 Minute Read

Joel Efosa

Author | Real Estate Investor

If you have a house that is infested with rodents and need to sell it, there are some things you can do to make the sale more likely. Rodents are not only ugly-looking, but they also carry diseases that could be dangerous for potential buyers.

It's very similar to selling a house after its been in bad condition for a while. You might think people would want to buy your house regardless of this, but most people will shy away from home without even considering it because they don't want any health risks or problems with pests later on down the line. This is the same case for a fire damage property.

Here's how to sell your rodent-infested home quickly.

How Do You Clean Up After A Rodent Infestation?

Rodents are small mammals that typically have pointed snouts, sharp teeth for gnawing, and relatively long tails.

They usually live in holes or crevices, which they can easily find around your home. There are many different types of rodents; some common ones include mice, rats, squirrels, and hamsters. Many times rodents can manifest from a hoarding disorder.

Due to their tiny size, rodents often make their way into houses through cracks under doors or window sills since they can fit between almost anything else.

Once inside, you will need to take steps immediately to ensure no further damage is done by these rodents and prevent them from coming back again later on down the road! It's essential to get rid of the rodents and seal up the home against future infestations.

Can You Sell A House With A Mouse Infestation?

Whether you are selling your home or just trying to get rid of rodents, here are some tips for keeping them out.   

First, look at where they might be coming in from the outside. Make sure all cracks and openings have small metal screens over them that will not allow any rodent entry but still let air through. Also, make sure your garage door is sealed closed when it's closed so no rat can come in with groceries.

If rodents find their way into your house, there are many ways to catch mice without killing them, like sticky traps or, even better, electronic pest control devices that shock them until they die naturally (which prevents damage to the meat). You should put down a poison that kills rats but does not leave a foul smell or icky mess. 

Also, keep your food and garbage containers sealed tight so rodents cannot get in them for a meal. If you have an outside pet, make sure to watch it closely as they can also attract rats from the surrounding area with their food bowl.

Can You Sell A House With Roaches?

Can I sell my house with rodents inside it? Yes, you can. When it comes to selling a house with rodents inside the home, there is no reason why you cannot get top dollar for your property from real estate investors if they see that the problem has been fixed and all rodents have been removed.

You can also choose to take care of this yourself or hire professionals to do so before trying to sell your house. In any case, it should be done as soon as possible because even though buyers will not mind at first sight buying a rodent-infested home once they find out about it, later on, it could backfire in their faces when potential buyers come by only to leave quickly after seeing what kind of condition these animals have left your place in!


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