Do Electric Blankets Cause House Fires

Do Electric Blankets Cause House Fires

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Published on May 14th, 2023 | Updated Oct 17th, 2023

Joel Efosa

Author | Real Estate Investor

Electric Blanket Statistics

  • Electric blankets cause about 500 fires per year
  • Which accounts for .14% of total causes of house fires nationwide each year
  • Based on Google Trends when the winter season is when consumers are looking to purchase electric blankets which causes a spike in search and a when house fires are caused by electric blankets

Electric blankets are a convenient way to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but they can also pose fire hazards. To aid in maintaining a safe environment, ensure you have functioning smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and fireproof doors and windows. If you use an electric blanket in your home, be sure to follow all of the manufacturer's guidelines for safe use. Experts say that the majority of electric blankets are safe, but it's essential to be aware of the potential dangers and take precautions. In addition to these safety measures, users should also be knowledgeable about their rights and the signs of injury related to electric blanket usage.

The first thing to know is that electric blankets should only be used on low heat settings. It will help prevent overheating and burning of the blanket. Some models come with a heat sensor that turns off the power if it detects excessive heat from the blanket. Additionally, it is essential to have a fire escape plan, a fire extinguisher, and sprinklers installed to protect your home further. Ensure that you have flashlights readily available in case of injuries or emergencies, and regularly review reports and evidence on electric blanket safety. Taking care of all these aspects can enhance the overall experience of electric blanket users.

The second thing to know is that you shouldn't use an electric blanket over another bedding type or surface. The heat from the blanket could damage other items in your bedroom, like pillows or sheets. It is also crucial to have a fire safety kit, which includes a fire blanket, fire protector, and extra batteries for your alarms and detectors. Be wary of the technology used in electric blankets, as well as hair dryers and other appliances, as they can produce magnetic fields or malfunction, increasing the risk of accidents.

Lastly, remember that if you have pets or children who sleep with you, they may not be able to sleep comfortably without covering their faces with a blanket during cold weather.

electric blanket related accidents

How Do Electric Blankets Cause Home Fires

Electric blankets can heat the bedroom or living room, but they can also be dangerous if misused. These fires typically occur due to any one of the following reasons:

Heated mattress pads cause fire due to manufacturing mistakes of blankets. Electric blanket fires can start from an electrical short circuit or faulty plug. It can happen when there is a problem with the electric wiring in your home, or if you've plugged in the wrong type of electric blanket unit (which could have been damaged before purchase). House fires can also result from careless usage or neglecting safety tips.

When using an electric blanket in your bedroom, ensure it has working ground wires so there isn't any risk of an electrical shock. If possible, use extension cords rated for outdoor use only (not indoor use).

Most electric blankets have multiple settings to adjust the temperature according to your needs. To avoid overheating, never leave an electric blanket unplugged overnight or longer than 24 hours at a time.

If you have an older model electric blanket, it's a good idea to upgrade to a newer one with built-in safety features. Older electric blankets and heating pads may not have thermal fuses or other safety devices that can prevent fires, making electric blankets safe for use.

When not in use, always fold your electric blanket and store it in a dry place. Be sure to avoid flammable materials such as curtains or bedding.

electric blankets represented

How Common Are Electric Blanket Fires?

Electric heated blankets cause approximately 5,000 house fires each year. These fires are typically caused by manufacturing errors, such as improperly installed electrical wiring and faulty control units.

These blazes usually start when children or adults accidentally touch a bare wire on an unplugged blanket or heating pad. In some cases, the fire has been caused by children playing with the blanket or connecting exposed wires while it was plugged into an outlet.

electrical appliances

Can Electric Blankets Cause House Fires

Electric blankets are a great way to keep your body warm on cold nights but can also cause house fires. The reason why electric blankets cause house fires has to do with the thermostat settings and their interaction with body temperature. When using this appliance, it's essential to follow the instructions and safety tips to enjoy its benefits without risks.

When an electric blanket is turned on, it automatically adjusts its temperature according to the room temperature and airflow, increasing the warmth of your bed. The problem is that most people leave their electric blankets on for too long or at high settings, which causes the blanket's plastic to melt and catch fire. Additionally, exposure to EMFs (Electric and Magnetic Fields) generated by electricity is also a factor of concern for some users.

If you're using an electric blanket in your home, ensure that you have it set at a lower temperature than usual, following the recommended steps to prevent a fire.

Selling As An Option If An Electric Blanket Caused A House Fire

If you've experienced a house fire caused by an electric blanket, selling your fire-damaged property quickly and hassle-free could be a viable option worth considering. While electric blankets provide warmth and comfort during colder months, accidents can happen, resulting in devastating consequences. When faced with such an unfortunate event, selling the property can help you swiftly move forward and recoup some of the losses. By choosing a reputable and understanding buyer, you can navigate the process with ease, ensuring a seamless transaction while focusing on rebuilding and restoring your life. Don't let a house fire deter you from a brighter future; explore the option to sell your fire-damaged property and begin anew.

electric blankets bad

What Percentage Of House Fires Are Started By Electric Blankets

Electric blankets account for just .014 percent of home fires, compared to an average of 360,000 yearly. If you're using a new electric blanket, your fire hazard risk is low.


To reduce the risk of fire, follow these tips:

Make sure your electric blanket is adequately grounded. The power cord should be connected to a wall outlet and not lie on the floor or near any other electrical devices.

Never use an extension cord or plug with an electric blanket. It could create a dangerous situation since it will only be connected at one end and not appropriately grounded, leading to a significant home fire hazard.

Do not place your electric blanket beside flammable materials such as furniture or curtains. If this happens, stop using the blanket immediately and unplug it from the wall outlet.


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Heated mattress pad

Is It Ok To Leave An Electric Blanket On All Night?

You should turn off your electric blanket before going to bed and unplug it. Leaving your electric blanket on all night can result in a fire, so make sure you don't do that. It is dangerous because an electric blanket is usually only operated from the plug in the wall, and if it's left on all night, it will have too much heat and burn out the wires inside.

If you decide to leave your electric blanket on all night, ensure that there are no obstructions in the way of any wires or cords that run through or near your bed. It includes any furniture or other items that may be in your room also.


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Electric Safety Foundation

average of 5,000 house fires

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potentially be a fire hazard
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