Do Space Heaters Cause House Fires

Do Space Heaters Cause House Fires [You'll Be Surprised]

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Published on May 14th, 2023

Joel Efosa

Author | Real Estate Investor

Space heaters are popular in countries where the weather is cold, providing a warm and comforting refuge on the floor or bed at home. They can be used to heat a single room, like a bedroom or kitchen, or keep a garage warm. However, they can also be a source of shock and distress if they are not used properly or are left unattended, leading to potential house fires. To minimize these risks, it's essential to follow safety measures, such as keeping carpets and blankets away from heating elements, and never leaving the heater unattended for long periods.

Space heaters can be powered by electricity or gas and come in various sizes and styles, with some even offering adjustable heat settings. Some heaters, particularly those that use electricity, have safety features like power strips and extension cords to ensure a separate and secure power source. Electric heaters are generally safer than gas because they do not emit carbon monoxide and other toxins into the air when turned on, providing a more relaxing sleeping environment. In places like the Bronx, a large number of residents rely on space heaters to maintain warmth and energy within their homes.

However, space heaters have been known to catch fire when they overheat or get too close to combustible materials such as curtains and furniture. A report on space heater fires indicated that houses with generators as their primary energy source are more prone to accidents related to space heaters.

convection heaters

How Do Space Heaters Cause Home Fires

Space heaters are convenient and efficient, but they can also be dangerous. The following are some of the common causes of most space heater fires:

One of the most common ways is by causing combustible materials to catch fire. Space heaters work by using a heating element (usually ceramic heaters or metal coil) to generate heat which is then transferred to the surrounding air.

The space heater does not produce any flame or smoke, but if it is placed too close to flammable materials like clothes, bedding, or upholstery, it can ignite and cause a fire hazard.

Types of house fires caused by space heaters

Most people are aware of the dangers associated with space heaters, but they may not realize that there are many types of risks. The most common types of house fires caused by space heaters include:


If you leave your space heater on too long after turning it off or if it malfunctions, there's a chance that it could overheat and start a fire all on its own.

Burns from hot surfaces:

People can get burned when they touch the surface of a heater. It is hazardous for children and pets who may be attracted to the heater's warmth.

Electrical fires:

A faulty electrical connection can cause a fire in your home if you use an electric heater. Most space heaters have built-in thermal overload protectors that automatically shut off power to prevent overheating, but these devices can fail over time or through misuse.

Smoke inhalation:

Combustion space heaters produce smoke, irritating your eyes and lungs, causing them to swell shut and making it more difficult for you to breathe normally. The smoke may also contain toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (C.O.). According to FEMA, smoke inhalation is a leading cause of death in home fires.

You are overloading outlets with other appliances or devices:

Another common mistake people make when using portable space heaters is plugging too many items into one outlet, which creates a fire risk from electrical overload. Keep in mind that if you have several appliances plugged into an outlet, each one will draw power from it; so even though your heater may only be drawing 10 watts of electricity at any given moment, you could quickly be pulling 100 watts (or more) out of that outlet if there are other devices plugged into it as well.

wall outlet

What Percentage Of House Fires Are Started By Space Heaters

Space heaters are a leading cause of fires across the USA. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), it's responsible for 81% of all fatal house fires caused by heating. Word of caution: always be vigilant with space heaters and follow safety guidelines to avoid potential hazards. Over half of the fires involving heating equipment caused a fire in 2014-2018 happened in January. The issue might stem from faulty cords or malfunctioning smoke alarms, highlighting the importance of commissioning regular safety checks and purchasing equipment from reputable manufacturers.

local fire departments

What Should You Do If Your Space Heater Catches On Fire?

If your space heater catches on fire, make sure to disconnect it from any power source, such as an extension cord or power strip. Avoid using a bathroom as a place to store space heaters, as water and electricity can prove a lethal combination.

  • Get everyone out of the room or building immediately. The safest action is to evacuate everyone from the room or building where the fire occurs until it is entirely out or contained by firefighters.
  • Once everyone has been evacuated from the house or building where the fire started:
  • Call 911 immediately from another location (outside if possible).
  • Don't ever try putting out a space heater fire yourself!
natural gas

How Likely Is It For A Space Heater To Catch On Fire?

According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), space heaters cause an estimated 17,000 residential fires, with $100 million in property damage and 300 home fire deaths annually. The USFA also estimates that another 3,500 home fires were started by portable cooking equipment such as grills and hibachis.

Even a squirrel can chew at the wires of a smart meter and cause a house fire.

A few other causes of fires are air fresheners, fans, toasters, mice, Christmas trees and dryers.


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heater plug

Is It Ok To Leave Space Heater On All Night?

The short answer is yes, leaving a space heater on all night is safe. However, there are some precautions that you should take before doing so, such as ensuring proper ventilation and regularly checking smoke alarms.

Space heaters can be dangerous if misused. If you want to use one in your home, here are some space heater safety tips. They are as follows:

Stay awake when using a space heater. If you fall asleep while using a space heater, you may not realize that there's something wrong until it's too late. Keep an eye on your heater while it's running, and keep all combustible items away from it at all times.

Do not place anything on top of a space heater that could catch fire if it gets too hot (such as a blanket or pillow). The same goes for covering the front of the unit with clothing or other fabrics — this can trap heat inside and lead to burns or fires.

Keep flammable objects away from space heaters at all times — including rugs, curtains, clothing, and other items made of fabric or paper products (or anything else that could ignite if exposed to high temperatures).

space heater recalls

Can You Leave Heating Equipment On 24-7?

It's a great idea to turn off your space heater when you leave the room, but it's not good to run heating equipment 24-7. The fire risk increases significantly when you leave a space heater on for long periods.

Heating equipment like space heaters, furnaces, and boilers should be used only as needed. They should always be turned off when not in use.

Do Portable Electric Space Heaters Catch Fire Easily?

Yes — but only if they aren't used properly. Portable and stationary space heaters accounted for 43% of home heating fires incident and 85%-percent of home heating fire deaths. Every year there are reports of portable electric heaters catching fire due to overheating or being placed too close to curtains or furniture.

Injuries caused by these fires range from minor burns to severe burns requiring hospitalization and surgery.

Prevention Measures

Space heaters come with safety risks. If they aren't used properly or maintained regularly, they can cause fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. Here are some tips for keeping your family safe:

  • Install a smoke detector in your home and test it monthly.

  • Keep space heaters away from combustible materials such as bedding, curtains, and other fabrics.

  • Do not use extension cords with space heaters.

  • Use only the wattage recommended by the manufacturer of the heater being used. Do not exceed this wattage limit, even if doing so will allow the heater to operate at a higher temperature setting for a given period (e.g., turning up the thermostat on an electric heater).

  • Make sure that electrical power is disconnected before cleaning or servicing any space heater; ensure that all parts are excellent before handling or replacing any part or component of the appliance; never re-energize unless you are sure that all features are cool and grounded properly; always refer to manufacturer's instructions for servicing and maintenance procedures, mainly when using outdoor units indoors.

If you know anyone that has had a home fire due to a space heater and they are looking to sell their home, need help with pricing it accordingly or looking to repair it, share this article with them!

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anything flammable
space heaters are involved in 81% of fatal house fires caused by heating equipment
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